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What is meant by false contractions

False contractions are generally felt by pregnant women in the last trimester, although they can actually occur at an earlier gestational age. What does it feel like fake contractions and how do they differ from labor contractions? False contractions or known in the medical world as Braxton Hicks contractions are normal things that occur in pregnant women. Such contractions are the uterine preparation for labor.

Recognize the Signs of False Contractions

The uterus has actually contracted since the age of seven weeks of pregnancy, but the size of the uterus that is not too large makes pregnant women do not feel it. Although starting during early pregnancy, false contractions are generally only begun to be felt since the age of 16 weeks of pregnancy. When these false contractions occur, they may not have any significant effect on pregnant women. False contractions are characterized by tightened uterine muscles. To recognize it, you can put your hands on your stomach and feel how tense your abdominal muscles are above your uterus. False contractions generally occur for about 30 seconds, no more than twice per hour and can occur several times a day.

How to distinguish between fake contractions and labor contractions

It is not uncommon for pregnant women to have difficulty distinguishing false contractions from labor contractions. How to distinguish between genuine and fake contractions can be seen from the time of its occurrence, its taste, as well as the duration and frequency of contractions. For clarity, you can see the difference in detail, in the following:
  • False contractions only occur 1-2 times an hour and only appear a few times a day, are irregular, and the contraction time interval is not close together. Whereas labor contractions will increasingly approach labor time, regularly, and the time interval between contractions will shorten.
  • False contractions only occur for less than 1 minute, while labor contractions can occur for up to more than 1 minute.
  • Changes in physical activity will stop false contractions, but it does not really affect labor contractions.
  • The strength of false contractions does not increase. Conversely, labor contractions will increase, accompanied by increasing pain before labor.
  • False contractions are only felt in the front of the abdomen, while labor contractions begin from the lower back and spread forward or vice versa.

Do This If A False Contraction Occurs

Although rarely cause pain, fake contractions can still cause discomfort in pregnant women. Some ways to overcome this:
  • Change body position

  • Try to take a walk. It could also be vice versa, resting when fake contractions begin to be felt while on the move. Relaxation techniques such as taking deep breaths can be practiced to help restore a sense of comfort.
  • Drink or eat

  • Drinking a glass of water, tea, or eating food can also be done to minimize discomfort during false contractions.
  • Take a warm shower

  • Pregnant women can take a warm bath for about 20-30 minutes to relax the body.
Fake contractions can indeed occur at any time and are not dangerous. However, if the gestational age has not reached 37 weeks and contractions occur more than 4 times in one hour, then be aware of the possibility of preterm labor. Also notice if the amniotic fluid comes out of the vagina, which is fluid that is more runny and slimy, blood spots, bleeding from the vagina, or pressure in the pelvis increases like a baby pushing to be born. If these things occur, you should immediately contact the midwife or doctor. It is important to recognize the signs and differences in false contractions and labor contractions, especially when the stage of pregnancy has entered the final trimester of pregnancy. If something happens that is not natural, immediately seek the help of a doctor or midwife.


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